Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Converting DDP to CUE and CUE to WAV/MP3

When working with professional mastering engineers, you will often get a DDP image of your master. Or sometimes you get a CUE with a CDT and attached WAV file. Here are a few tricks to dealing with those.

DDP Manipulation

If you pay money you can get the DDP tools from Sonaris. Wavlab can only burn a DDP to an image... lame. If you are comfortable with the command line, you can use FOR FREE:
DDP Mastering Tools for the Command Line

You can get it for Windows or Linux or Mac. I prefer Linux, but basically it is just a zip file with binary executables ready to go. But keep in mind for 64-bit Linux, you have to install the 32-bit libraries (sudo apt-get install ia32-libs). Once you have them where you want, you will have to open a shell in windows (cmd). Mac is similar to Linux, but you will have to find the terminal on your own.
# to get the help
ddpinfo --help
cue2ddp --help
cdtinfo --help

# verify correctness of DDP
ddpinfo --verify /path/to/DDP/Folder

# extract cue and wav
ddpinfo -w shiz.wav /path/to/DDP/Folder
Then you can listen to the wav file or use something like ImgBurn or whatever burning software you like that supports .CUE images.

Edit: 7/2015
Just found this poking around the web.  It is a GUI version of some of these tools.


Splitting a CUE to Individual WAV

Now that isn't all, say you want individual WAV's for online distribution or MP3's. Well in Windows you can check out:
But again I like Linux and the command line (should work for mac too):
# stuff to install
aptitude install shntool cuetools

# just to break into tracks
shntool split -f shiz.cue -o wav shiz.wav

# break into tracks winth Band_Name-Album_Title-00-Song_Title.wav
# notice underscores for spaces and dashes for sections
# RTFM for more options
shntool split -f shiz.cue -o wav -m \ _:- -t %p-%a-%n-%t shiz.wav

# Then if you want to convert the waves from above to MP3 in one shot
# It uses the naming convention above to determine the track names and fill the ID3 tags properly
# Linux/Mac only, I did this once in Windows Powershell, but it sucked
for i in `ls *.wav`; do lame --preset studio --ta "Artist Name" --tl "Album Name" --ty "2011" --tg "Metal" --tn "$(echo $i|awk -F\- '{print $3}')" --tt "$(echo $i|awk -F\- '{print $4}'|awk -F\. '{print $1}'|sed 's/_/ /g')" $i $(echo $i|awk -F\. '{print $1}').mp3; done

This will sure help me. Hope it helps you! Probably should throw this into a shell script...

1 comment:

vincentkirkwoodnew said...

Anothere method is to use Avdshare Audio Converter to split cue base flac files.
It has both Mac and Windows version.